Milkcan week at Don Lugo began September 19 through the 23, and the students could not wait to “cream the competition” at the highly anticipated rivalry game at Chino High School. Every year Lugo hosts a Milkcan spirit week to get students involved for the biggest game of the year. The Lugo family prepared for the game throughout the week by uniting as one to lasso the cowboys.
Milkcan spirit week is always a great way to unify the school and all the students seem to enjoy the fun activities and games that it offers. The activities throughout the week tend to bring out the students’ competitive side in a friendly way. The city of Chino also gets involved in the rivalry mainly because fellow Lugo and Chino alumnus remember the tension back in their high school days.
On September 2oth, 2016 football players and cheerleaders from both Chino and Don Lugo high school’s attended a friendly competition against each other where they engaged in the annual Hot Dog eating contest. Though administration from both schools were supposed to participate in the annual competition, they did not. The athletic director from Don Lugo said “the administration didn’t go this year due to Chino High backing down last minute!”
Students from both schools went and supported their individual schools at the competition but at the end of the night it came down to a tie. The schools Varsity teams showed their spirit by boasting about who will win the Hot Dog eating contest and Milkcan. “We really wanted to show our spirit for Lugo by winning the hot dog competition, and we are determined to win back the Milkcan that was taken from it’s home,” expressed a Don Lugo cheerleader.
At lunch on Wednesday, September 21st, students of Don Lugo gathered around in the school quad for a lunch time activity. Lugo witnessed their ASB president Isaiah Ruiz, Tzion Dixon a running back for the varsity football team, and popular english teacher Mr. Myers, had a plate of whipped cream tossed in their face for “Cream the Competition” day. Every year, ASB promotes the Milkcan game to pump up the students and faculty so the Varsity football team gets rallied up to “save the can” just as they did with their victory on the 23rd of September.
Last year Don Lugo lost the the big game to Chino High and many Lugo students were not at ease with how Chino won the Milkcan. Despite the loss, Don Lugo still believed in themselves and felt that they needed to bring the can back home. The students of Lugo even came up with a slogan called “Save the Can.”
To continue the celebration, ASB hosted a pep rally to congratulate all Varsity members as well as Coach Gano on Tuesday the 27th. Lugo took pride in their school when they saw the Milkcan back safe and sound at its home. “There ain’t no party like a Lugo party” when the boys played a great game and the Gold Rush along with the cheerleaders contributed to the big win!