Twitter recently changed the 140 word count to 10,000 characters. Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, believed it would influence more creativity for those who like to express themselves. Contrary to that, people say the lower word count delivered more meaning due to the concise limit.
As of January 5, 2016, the CEO of Twitter decided to alter the traditional setting of the website’s posting
According to Twitter’s CEO, Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s original 140 maximum character allowance
increased to a 10,000 maximum. Many thought the concept to be outrageous- as it destroys the
individual’s freedom to post the renowned, fast and witty retorts that make the “tweeting” experience
phenomenal. An anonymous user stated, “I feel like I put more sass in my comebacks when the
character count is low.”
Throughout the course of the social media era, users have silently been longing for a chance to
create longer threads when ranting, informing news- or spreading rumors. As told by Dorsey himself to
DigitsNews, “We’ve spent a lot of time observing what people are doing on Twitter, and we see them
taking screenshots and tweeting it,” making communication more difficult in comparison to having more
information to gather and post. Dorsey explained through a tweet that raising the character count gives
users a chance to express themselves in a way that the lingering 140 cannot achieve.