Source: KTLA
DMV will be enforcing new laws to make California roads safer. With the main target towards the youth, there are some aspects which they have to strongly follow. "I feel like the laws are making the world a safer place," said an anonymous Lugo student.
As a kick-off to the new year, the state of California issued a variety of new laws. The majority revolved around the safety and well-being of its younger citizens.
Senate Bill 491 states that “it is illegal for headsets, or earphones designed to attenuate injurious noise levels to be worn while driving or cycling”. This law took effect on January 1- along with Assembly Bill 1422 which states that Uber and Lyft private transports are required to provide the DMV of driver records before conducting business. Students are now able to acquire rides from place to place without much worry of the driver’s background.
As for school advantages, Senate Bill 695 proposed, as long as health class is mandatory, it is required to be taught that students must “have explicit approval from their partners” before participating in any sexual behavior. This took effect on January 5, according to the Sacbee Forum. As another way of protection, Senate Bill 707 put forth the law that all concealed firearms are barred in schools from K-12.
For the upcoming seniors in the class of 2017-2018, the high school exit exam will no longer be a requirement to graduate. Senate Bill 178 ensures the privacy for students that law enforcement officers must have a search warrant before accessing private files such as emails, text messages, and search history.
These set of laws are now in motion; while others are still undecided.