Denzel Valle
Screenshot of the schedule for Wednesday and Thursday during finals week.
With December here also comes the approach of finals week; during this week, there will be two days of the week that will be block scheduled into a day of even periods and a day of odd periods.
Finals week will be starting on Monday, the 12th, and we will be having a regularly scheduled school day, there is nothing different about Monday. On Tuesday, we will be having a minimum day, so make sure you follow that schedule accordingly. Then Wednesday, you will be attending your periods first, third, and fifth only. They are each two hours long with a 10 minute nutrition break between the first and third period. The next day, Thursday, you would attend your second, fourth, and sixth periods with the same time schedule as the day before. On Wednesday, school will start at 8:35 with your first period ending at 10:04, after that comes a nutrition break that ends at 10:15, then you would go back to start your next period at 10:21 which goes on until 11:50. Your last period that day will be starting at 11:56 and ending at 1:25. The schedule for the next day is exactly the same except for the periods that you will be attending, you would only go to your even periods. While there is no school provided lunch and you would have to provide your own nutrition break, it does provide you some time to think clearly and relax from the 2 hours of work. Lastly, Friday there will be no school, it will be the start of our winter break so make sure you don’t show up to an empty school that day.
Now knowing what your schedule looks like for finals week, you are ready to plan accordingly and study for your finals! Do your best to not overwork or stress yourself over your finals no matter how daunting it all sounds.