Chloe Austin
Students in Ms. Kuttikattuparambil's class receive their COVID-19 rapid tests during sixth period. "Test kits will be sent home with students on January 20, 2022," says Principal, Dr. Wong.
In recent events, the school has officially announced that COVID-19 Test will be released on January 20. An email from Dr. WongAhSun was released on January 18 to parents and students regarding COVID-19 Test. The test will be given in students’ sixth period and will consist of two antigen COVID-19 tests.
Within the email, it discusses that this will be a “one-time distribution” and it will “provide an added layer of protection” during this outbreak in schools. One kit is complete with two antigen COVID-19 tests. Although testing is not mandatory, it is recommended that if any symptoms are to occur, use the test before coming to school.
Students will be receiving their COVID-19 test during their sixth period from their sixth-period teacher. If the student does not have a sixth period they may go to the front office to receive the student COVID-19 test. The use of the test is not mandatory however all students are permitted to take a kit home unless otherwise stated.
Parents are allowed to opt-out of receiving the COVID-19 test by filling out a form within the email sent out and turned into the front office. “We are handing them out to students only and not to teachers, just to clarify for teachers,” said Dr. Eckershall. The students are taking the kits home and anyone within that household can use the test.
The COVID-19 test is for when the student or anyone within the household feels sick, they can take the test and therefore decide whether or not they can come to school. These tests are in no way mandatory to use but if the student has displayed symptoms they should follow isolation protocols and stay home. “The District has also confirmed that students isolating at home can return to campus after providing their At-Home COVID-19 antigen test result and have met isolation guidance provided by CDPH,” said Dr. Wong.