Photo Curtesy of Pexels.com
The Stuff the Sleigh toy drive event will begin December 4th until December 10th, where all toys donated will be given out to children in our community who are in need this holiday season.
The holidays are a time where our community can come together and support one another, however given our current circumstance that may not be entirely possible. The Chino Police Department took it upon themselves to continue the holiday cheer, and host a “Stuff the Sleigh” toy drive event to assist the families in our community.
Starting Thursday, December 3rd from 3 to 7pm the Chino Police Department will have boxes available in the lobby of the Police Department for you to drop off unwrapped toys for children of all ages. The toys collected will be administered directly to families in our community. The Chino Police Department will be collecting unwrapped gifts until Thursday, December 10th.
Every December, dating back to the 1950’s the city of Chino has taken part in the annual Christmas Youth Parade. This is a tradition which many chino residents look forward to every year. With Covid-19 cases on the rise, this special event may not be possible. Given these unfortunate times, it is important that our community remains connected and by doing so, the Chino Police Department has generously partnered with UChooz to make that possible.
“UChooz is an organization focused on working with teachers and educators to directly engage youth on today’s growing issues through educational seminars,” said the Uchooz organization. This organization prioritizes the well being of adolescents and educates them on the consequences their choices can have on their life. Serious matters concerning peer pressure, questioning one’s sexuality, and understanding your self- worth are very important to this organization and their goal is to educate teens on the power of their voice. “We are so passionate about inspiring teenagers to find their self- worth, getting them to challenge the status quo, and engage them in a thought provoking manner to understand the consequences of impulsive decisions,” said the UChooz organization.
“Toys donated from the “Stuff the Sleigh” event will enable UChooz to distribute gifts to children in our community and make their holiday season a little brighter,” said the Chino Police Department.