A few candidates of the senior court on the day they announced all nominee's in the quad. From right to left Austin Holland, Brandie Altuna, Diego Gomez, and Briana Cabrera. Photo courtesy of Daniel Pahutan
This years homecoming Queen and King will not be announced on Saturday’s dance until next Friday’s game, the 27th of October. The traditional Don Lugo Homecoming consists of a football game on a Friday night that announces the senior court and then, during halftime, announce the Queen and King. The following day, Homecoming would take place at the gym where every winner of the court would already be announced and have their magical night of fun.
Throughout the school’s history, the homecoming game has traditionally taken place a day before homecoming and allows the student body and staff know who their Queen and King are. The Queen and King would eventually attend homecoming to celebrate their triumph with their friends. At the homecoming game, the senior court is presented along the field in a mini parade with one of their parents by their side acknowledging that their child has made it so far in the nominations.
However, this year, homecoming will consist of the traditional way — still crowning the Queen and King at a homecoming game — but a week after the homecoming dance has taken place. Leadership and ASB took a vote during one of their weekly meetings and a majority decided that the crowning should take place a week after the dance and not a day beforehand. The only reason for homecoming to go this way is because the football team only had four home games this year. It was either having homecoming a week before the crowning or having the crowning with all underclassmen and seniors at the football game.
When interviewing Seniors Diego Gomez and Britney Serrano, they comment that, “We had a say in deciding how homecoming was going down.” Due to the choices taken by the class officers, seniors will have to wait another week for the announcement. The homecoming court consists of five senior girls: Brandie Altuna, Brianna Cabrera, Victoria Williams, Sierra Gomez, and Britney Serrano; and five boys: Richard Hadnot, Austin Holland, Diego Gomez, and Khoury Bethley — all competing to win the crown for their last year, but won’t have the chance to celebrate with their fellow classmates and friends at the homecoming dance.
Fortunately, next year’s senior homecoming court will have a chance to be crowned during next year’s homecoming. The class of 2019 will have their peers crowned a day before homecoming since next year’s football team will have six home games. The class of 2018 has been the only graduating class so far that has had to wait to be crowned a week after and not a day before. Activities director Mrs. Rigo-Witt comments, “I think the seniors, student community, and staff will be excited for next week’s game and it will definitely bring them together during the homecoming football game to find out who their 2017 homecoming Queen and King will be.”