This year, Don Lugo’s Art department created their final project dedicated to world affairs. The project needed to show something that the students felt passionate about; Art teacher Ms. Lee regards, “their picture needed move people and make them feel something because that is what art is all about.” Students were able to chose their own topic, but they had to make sure that it was an emotional close-up of a person within the scene of a crisis- so that the audience would be able to feel a connection.
Having a month to complete the project, the students needed to do a lot of research for their topic; on top of that, the students also had another month to create a self-portrait. The self-portrait was meant to show creative individuality and the students’ ability to create parts of the body that seem to be often missing or overlooked when drawn. While looking at the art work, it is clear to see the passion behind each and every drawing; many artists had went out of their comfort zone and created pieces on very controversial topics or came about their self-portraits in a way that is different from most other projects and pieces.
Don Lugo Senior class member, Ben Jordan, created a self portrait titled “Ritual”, it was modeled after a song from his favorite band named Ghosts- the explanation behind the piece was, “its pretty metal” because Ghosts is a metal band. When creating his piece, he wanted something more of a ritual, meaning that he only used ebony pencil to draw and a regular pencil to sketch because he prefers darker tones since they give the drawing more of a unique feel than all the others. In his portrait he is looking at the skull and a book, he explains that it is because in the song it says “the ritual of bloody human sacrifice”, and he felt that the skull and the book represent that perfectly.
All in all, the Art show attracted the attention of many and was a tremendous way to end the year for all Seniors and those who enjoyed.