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Students have working and studying hard for important testing or improving their grades. This has caused plenty of stress among them and some teachers have decided to take action. Photo provided by public domain.
As various students prepare for their AP tests this upcoming May, extreme levels of stress have taken over. They are in definite need of a break- one to help their brains cool off and recharge so they aren’t over-worked and fatigued. These last few months of school are a difficult period for most students and it cannot get any better if there is no escape to the struggle.
This year, it was decided by a few teachers to organize sessions that allow students to relax and forget about the stresses in life, even for a while. Mrs. Dominguez, an AVID teacher, and Mrs. Guzman, a world history and AP US history teacher, hosted these sessions that welcomed students who were in need of a mental break. To make it even better, students did not have to be AP students to attend the soothing environment that provided pure bliss and joy.
The first session was held on Wednesday, April 12, during lunch, in room 60- anyone who joined that day spent their time coloring their very own mandalas, listened to relaxing music, and ate lunch. All attendees were pleased with their experience and were grateful for having the opportunity to refocus instead of dealing with the stressful work they do everyday. With this positive feedback, another session was soon planned for the following week.
Students got to make a personal stress ball during the second session to help them relieve any tension they might have had. Throughout the rest of the day, students who attended were seen using their stress ball which only created more publicity towards the stress-free sessions held by Dominguez and Guzman.
Mental health is one of the most important topics that must be talked about and mentioned, especially during the season of exams and finals. More attention has been given to stress this school year and it has helped students in numerous ways. Relaxing and taking a break is a key factor to improving one’s mental health; if more organizations dedicated to assist students to become less stressed are established, then it could possibly revolutionize the overall environment the school has- which can positively affect the student body.
However, with all the positive feedback the sessions were receiving, an abundance of students did not even realize that they existed. Perhaps in the near future, more stress-free sessions will be organized, so others may experience the serenity that it offers and get their minds off negative thoughts. All students are highly encouraged to attend so they can have the opportunity to let go of the stress they have been holding on to and finally get a chance to relax.
It is hard to believe that more than half of the student body is tremendously stressed about school and other life events that may be affecting them, mentally. It is a wonderful concept to think that the staff has taken action to help students become relieved of their tension and anxiety. Students must remember that their mental health is just as important as their education and are encouraged to take precaution in order to become a better version of themselves, so that they may become the best they can be academically, and in all other aspects.